In order to provide a measure of quality of our Lutheran school program, a self-study was completed, reviewed, and accepted by the Minnesota Non-Public School Accrediting Association (MNSAA).
We were granted accreditation status in 1996 having met and excelled in the standards established by MNSAA.
Bloomington Living Hope Lutheran School continues to meet and excel in the standards established by the MNSAA. In the spring of 2018, MNSAA conducted an on-site reaccreditation visit of Bloomington Living Hope Lutheran School.
The MNSAA Board of Directors commend our school community on the excellence demonstrated throughout the accreditation process. It was evident to them “that Bloomington Living Hope Lutheran School is committed to ongoing improvement and education excellence.”
Accreditation within MNSAA goes beyond simply demonstrating that a school complies with a particular set of quality standards; it is also a statement of a school’s commitment to ongoing improvement. This commitment is practically demonstrated by the development of a School Strategic Plan.
The Self-Study Report provides an opportunity to reflect on the current state of the school. It also provides a way for the school to clarify and affirm its Mission and Philosophy statements. The portrait that emerges from a self-study identifies both areas of strength, as well as challenges for the future. How a school decides to actively respond to these strengths and challenges is the basis for a School Strategic Plan. We invite you to review our current School’s Strategic Plan.
We at Bloomington Living Hope Lutheran School believe our yearly accreditation status is a means by which we can continue to monitor and provide a high quality Christian education.